Kirby's Triple Deluxe

I was an intern at HAL Labratories. We heard that we were going to be working on a new Kirby game. I got excited, as I was kind of upset with Kirby's Epic Yarn (Note: I was not an intern at the time). After several months of working, we got to see the gameplay. It started out with kirby climbing up a vine, but as he climbed higher and higher, we started seeing blood and dead, mangled Waddle Dees. When Kirby got to the top he looked off into the distance at King Dedede's castle, which was burning. Dedede walked out, engulfed in flames, and looked at Kirby. Kirby gave Dedede a huge grin with sharp teeth. Dedede said "Why, Kirby?". Kirby Inhaled the corpse of a Waddle Doo and split Dedede's face open with beam. Blood and brain matter shot out everywhere. It was horrifying.
Kirby looked at the screen with hollow, black, bleeding eyes. Then the game started. Whenever Kirby inhailed an enemy, I could hear them let out a horrifying human-like scream I heard bones cracking. When Kirby swallowed the enemy, a blood-curdling, ear-piercing scream was heard, followed by bones cracking and and sizzling (Assumably the sizzling from the enemy being digested). If I inhaled and spit out an enemy, Kirby would throw up blood. As I walked down a long, seemingly infinite road, Blood covered the streets, Waddle Dees and Doos where hung from trees with their intestines being ripped out by Scarfies.
Then, the end of the level. Oh Jesus Christ, the end of the level! When I got there, The whole screen turned to static and all I can see was Kirby. He said "Thank you for helping me kill them!" then something horrifying happened. Pictures of babies being blended and men with their jaws being blown off by a shotgun where shown. I threw up.
I ran to the bathroom to wash up. When I looked in the mirror, I saw Kirby holding my brother's head on a stake! He looked at me... he told me... "You're Next!".